Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Algeria: First Impression

So now, I am in Algeria. Arrived on 27th Saturday with lot of question in mind, with lot of background fed by Morocco & other people. I feel fine, though there are some difficulties but same time locals helping me best to bring comfort in this new place; most imp is Aziz.

To prepare a trip to Algeria, the challenge was to go through complex visa process :)
then plan, find a hotel suitable to my needs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Morocco Again :)

 I am back to Morocco, Casablanca for a short visit again. This is summer here and is going to be 35+ Degrees in days. It took a while to find a Taxi at the Aeroport  -almost 40 minutes of wait while allowed me to click some pictures. Its good in a way, I am going to work right away after this 15-16 hours of travel....

The Mercedies in lines, Moroccans use these ols models as Taxis

Friday, May 9, 2014

Paradise Valley: Agadir

Moroccan villages are not like Indian, they are cleaner less noisy.

Below is the Agadir Town

Ahmed, Smail and Me : near the fort - a ruin

This is Ahmed having good by jumping around, in & out of water. What wonder me, from where this water is coming, it is fresh to not and most important how many people already dipped into this water :P. But it's all right, "let go" is the answer

Ride to Mohmaddia: A Town on the way to Rabat

One lazy morning,felt inspired so I took my bike and started to this place for a ride around 30-35 kms, 

Aim was to reach Mohammedia and checkout beaches on the way. It was a long ride through Casa suburbs then huge industrial area full of container  trucks and then some small villages covering up to 80% of the distance. In last leg, saw few beaches  - the 3rd pic is 1 of them. Then called Ali to check if he is there and by chance i got him :)And that was a relief as I was little worried about returning back to Casablanca alone.  

Marrakech [مراكش]

For me I see Marrakech as a gateway to Alas and the real meaning is Land of God. Easy to reach from Casablanca and most popular City of Morocco - it is top 5 destinations [ beating Paris ] as per some online news reports.  

The most important place Djemaa El-Fna  - a night place, full of eating shops, local handicrafts, dancers, musician and off course Tourist. The Madina is very interesting because of its uniqueness - too complex, narrow streets, fully crowded, many shops and houses. I did not a chance and took a 3 hour walk inside the Madina and streets covering all important buildings mentioned in TripAdvisor.  The 1st pic is one the entry to Madina and one can notice thousands of Souks around,

 The eating joint of Marrakech: can found delicious non veg found here

 From the top:
 The Souks

Monday, April 14, 2014

Casablanca: From Kenzi Tower 27th Floor

These are pic of Casablanca from Kenzi Tower Hotel's 27th Floor. This Hotel is 1 of the Tower of Twin Tower of Casablanca, the other tower is Biz Cener+Mall in the most happening area called Marif. I am looking towards Atlantic - USA side and the big Tower in center is Hasan II Mosque. and rest is while Biz area full ofd Cars and beautiful roads with Pine tress.

Casablanca: Old Madina

Billi Rasta Kaat Gayi : Cat Crossed My Way

Well, most of the time a cat crosses my way, I go into a kind of conscious mode as we all heard form our parents that it is not a good sign. You stop, wait for sometime or may eat something then start back. This is the general conception in my mind. And i believe it is same with most of the Indians.

So, Morocco is not a place for Indians as there are so many cats here that, when i start walking for office which 700 meters about 3-4 cats cross my way easily. I remember 1st day in Casablanca, Morocco when i was started for office and I saw bloody Cat crossing my way, this superstition came to mind but I ignored and walked. Later that day, I saw so many cats and now it is like Dogs in India.

Actually, I tested this Cat issue long before in 2004-05, when I was searching for a job. I got interview call, started early in the morning from Pune to catch Singarh Exp to reach Mumbai, Andheri, near Parihar Chowk a Cat crossed my way but I was running late to catch the train so I continued. I was not selected there unfortunately, later I again happened to be in the same situation and I stopped this time but result was it's nothing but our own mind, we can believe in whatever we want to. The same is with religion, Hindu Muslim Sikh etc...