Well, most of the time a cat crosses my way, I go into a kind of conscious mode as we all heard form our parents that it is not a good sign. You stop, wait for sometime or may eat something then start back. This is the general conception in my mind. And i believe it is same with most of the Indians.
So, Morocco is not a place for Indians as there are so many cats here that, when i start walking for office which 700 meters about 3-4 cats cross my way easily. I remember 1st day in Casablanca, Morocco when i was started for office and I saw bloody Cat crossing my way, this superstition came to mind but I ignored and walked. Later that day, I saw so many cats and now it is like Dogs in India.
Actually, I tested this Cat issue long before in 2004-05, when I was searching for a job. I got interview call, started early in the morning from Pune to catch Singarh Exp to reach Mumbai, Andheri, near Parihar Chowk a Cat crossed my way but I was running late to catch the train so I continued. I was not selected there unfortunately, later I again happened to be in the same situation and I stopped this time but result was same....so it's nothing but our own mind, we can believe in whatever we want to. The same is with religion, Hindu Muslim Sikh etc...