Monday, October 21, 2013

Part 1: Bike Parts Glossary [Italian]

Bloccaggio (blow KAH joe) - 

quick release skewer, plural bloccaggi

Borraccia (boar RAH cha) - 

water bottle, though it sounds more like a Latin American dance
Bike Parts Glossary(KHAM bio) - 

taken from the word for ‘change’, in this context it means the rear derailleur

Camera d’aria (KAH mayr ah DAR ee ah) - 

inner tube

Catena (kah TEN ah) - 


Cerchio (CHAIR key oh) - 


Comandi (koh MAHN dee) ERGO o STI - 

shift/brake levers

Copertoncino (koh pehr tone CHEE no) - 

clincher tire, Italians always refer to their tires specifically as clinchers or tubulars

Deragliatore (dee rall ya TOR ay) - 

front derailleur

Forcella (for CHEL lah) - 


Forcellini (for CHEL lee nee) - 

these are the drop-outs, front and rear

Freni (FREN ee) - 


Guarnitura (gwar nee TUR ah) - 


Manubrio (mah NEW brio) - 


Movimento Centrale (mow vee MEN tow chen TRAWL lay) - 

bottom bracket

Mozzo (MOTZ zo) - 

hub, plural mozzi

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