Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Argan Oil: It can only be Moroccan

A small post about world famous Moroccan Argan Oil.

Argan trees are found in south of Morocco, precisely around Agadir & Essaouira. And believe me this area is outstandingly beautiful, specially the road along with the Atlantic Ocean - Ups & Downs, Twists & Turns with heavy winds and bright sun. Any one can notice hundreds of Caravans along the way - which make me wonder.

So this Argan fruit, what I learned is, comes from a Argan Tree which are in danger because of popularity of Argan Oil and it's moisturizing property. EIT is noticeable that many big European brands using Argan oil in the premium products.
I happened to visit one such facility where local women were making it from the Argan Fruit. One interesting fact I heard is the Argan fruit is eaten by local animals and undigested part of that fruit later used for taking out Argan Oil. I can not confirm this but I hope the local guy [we may see his comments here] will put his views on my points.

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