Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Roadside All Men Cafes of Tunis

A typical cafe in Tunis. I love this fact about Maghreb region - the roadside cafes, something we don't have here in India. In fact it was something strange for me specially Morocco cafes where all men sit facing the road staring at each and every species passing by :p

So this place is Soukra area in Tunis very close to Lac2. Where one fine night i had courage to click this pic. I always felt hasitated while clicking. There are various type of cafes, and i am not going into those details. Point is its a all men cafe where i can buy a coffe for 0.6 Dinars to 1.5 Dinars. Compared to "other cafes" where it is 3-5 Dinars.

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